Knin: Last Day, First Tears

On Friday, October 11, 2024, the sun rose cheerfully over Knin, just like the participants in the K220 Erasmus Project: "The New Values of Democracy in Today's Europe." Five days allowed for many experiences and emotions. Otherwise, while packing up the feelings and belongings a few tears.

Nevertheless, the group’s fifth day in Croatia promised to be interesting. The group was split: students in one class and teachers in another. Professors Mirela Jelovina and Nikilina Grizelj led a recycling workshop. Each national team had to create a gift for the school and the teachers, using recycled materials under the guidance of the students. The result was spectacular, fun, and hugely creative—small and medium-sized bags with striking colors, elegant designs, and fantastic closures.

On the other hand, teachers created a frame of recycled materials with photographs and selfies of the group from different moments during their stay in Knin. It was a fun project. The accurate hands of Professor Marcos Martins (Portugal) and the Spanish teacher (and architect) Oscar Navarro were really decisives.

After lunch, the closing ceremony took place. A local folklore group performed dances and a cappella songs with an ironic take on everyday topics.

The participants received attendance certificates to all participants, and the farewells, kisses, and hugs began. It was a special week for all the students from Spain, Madeira, Croatia, Poland, Romania, and Greece. See you in Athens.


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