First meeting at Madeira: first face to face

How necessary it is to work face to face, shoulder to shoulder! The interpersonal closeness of collective work is crucial for a project like ours to function. The K220 Project: The New Values of Democracy in Today’s Europe started timidly in the preparatory video conferences for the first physical meeting.

In Madeira, a welcoming island with stunning views and landscapes, we held the first in-person meeting of the team of teachers who will manage the project. We presented our respective countries and schools: Colegiul National Mihai Viteazul (Romania, coordinator), 50 Genico Lykeio Petroupolis (Greece, partner), ZespolSzkol Centrum Ksztalcenia Roiniczego (Poland, partner), IES Eduardo Primo Marqués (Spain, partner), Escola Basica Dr Horacio Bento de Gouveia (Portugal, partner), and Srdnja Skola Lovre Montija (Croatia, partner).

Between February 19th and 23rd, we conducted workshops on the History and Democratic Values of Portugal, Immigration Struggles, Freedom, Cultural Identity, Discrimination, Empathy, New Values of Democracy… We discussed, negotiated, and reached agreements for upcoming meetings in the countries belonging to this project. We also did some sightseeing because Funchal has many attractions: the city center, right by the sea, the cable car, the Regional Parliament, the Joao Carlos Abreu Museum House, among other places… and its delicious cuisine. Unforgettable days. 


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